HTML Basics Worksheet

Answer the following questions by adding your answer to the DIV element below each question.

Question 1

What is the significance of the html element in an html document?

The HTML element contains all the other elements in the document. It is also known as the root element.
Question 2

What is the purpose of the head element in an html document?

The head tag is used to store metadata and other information not shown on the webpage.
The title tag in the head is what shows on the browser tab.
Question 3

What is the purpose of the title element in an html document?

Get ahead of myself! Title tag is what shows on the tab in the browser.
Question 4

What is the purpose of the body element in an html document?

The body tag is what's going to be shown on the webpage.
Question 5

What is the difference between an inline element and a block element?

A block element is an element that takes up as much room horizontally as it can.
An in line element takes up only as much space as it needs to accommodate what's inside.
Question 6

What is a self-closing tag?

Self closing tags do not have a closing tag. They cannot hold any content/information.
Question 7

Explain the syntax for adding an attribute to an HTML element?

Syntax for the attribute for the div tag for these questons is class="answer".
Question 8

Add an H3 element that contains the content 'Hello World!'. Then add a class attribute to the H3 element and set the value of the attribute to "glow".

Hello World!